As more and more entities and people are investing in crypto-assets or using digital currency as a medium for exchange, entities and auditors need to start thinking about which IFRS standards would be applicable to account for these types of transactions and if they portray a fair presentation in the financial statements.
Insurance companies have been waiting decades for a single global accounting standard that fits this very complex industry. The aim of IFRS 17 is to standardise insurance accounting globally to improve comparability and increase transparency, and to provide users of accounts with the information they need to meaningfully understand the insurer's financial position, performance and risk exposure.
Whereas IFRS 13 provides uniform principles on how to determine fair value, ISA 540(R) highlights the key concepts an auditor should be aware of in determining the validity, accuracy and completeness of estimates determined by the auditee as a whole.
Accountants, financial statement preparers, auditors and regulatory authorities should ensure they keep up with the latest changes in IFRS in order to apply the relevant changes appropriately and consistently.
Global capital markets demand better information about sustainability-related matters to enable investors to factor in sustainability-related risks and opportunities in their assessment of enterprise value and their investment and financing decisions.
No stone was left unturned during the IASB’s second comprehensive review of the IFRS for SMEs standard. Every entity reporting in terms of IFRS for SMEs will be impacted by the proposed changes from Section 1 to Section 35 of the Standard.
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