Upskill live events take place directly on the Upskill platform. We host weekly live events across a variety of subject matter. Our live events are ideal for continual professional development and can be used with our
CPD Management Tool. Upskill Live Events are always 1 hour in length and takes place from 09h00 to 10h00 on live event days.
To make your life easier, we have developed our Live Events Calendar. You can follow this calendar by bookmarking the
Upskill Live Events Calendar page on Upskill. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the calendar and have all live events sent directly to a dedicated calendar in your diary.
You can register and pay for all live events directly on the Upskill platform using our payment gateway. Alternatively you can contact us for manual registration and live event enrolment. Invoices raised manually for live events can also be settled using our SnapScan integration link available directly on our invoice.
We will be hosting 80 live events during 2022. These live events will be bundled into various offerings to best suit your need. We will also offer the Upskill Live Event Master Pass which will give you access to all our live events.
Take advantage of our Upskill live events and nurture a habit of lifelong learning with Upskill live events. Subscribe the Upskill live events calendar and never miss a live event. Weekly live events across various topics hosted by experienced content creators.