2024 SAICA Training Regulations Made Easy
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This course is ideal for SAICA Trainee Accountants that needs to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the SAICA Training Regulations. This course is based on the updated 2024 SAICA Training Regulations.
This course is ideal for
For Trainee Accountants
Trainee Accountants completing a SAICA training contract must be familiar with the SAICA Training Regulations as these regulations regulates the training contract environment.
For Audit Managers
Managers within the training office play a vital role in the development of Trainee Accountants during their SAICA Training Contract and should therefore have an understanding of the SAICA Training Regulations and how these regulations impact the training environment. This module will serve this purpose.
For Training Officers
Training Officers are required to monitor and enforce the regulatory framework created by the SAICA Training Regulations. Training Officers should have a comprehensive understanding of the SAICA Training Regulations.
Included in this course
Course Material
All learners enrolled to this module will be able to download course material in the course player. This includes course notes, cheat sheets and other guidance documents where applicable.
Once enrolled learners meet the exit level requirements of this module, they will be able to print a completion certificate at the end of the course. They will be required to complete multiple choice questions at the end of this module before the certificate will be issued.
Successful completion of this module will ensure that you comply with the
Training Regulations component of
these requirements.
Training Regulations component of
these requirements.
Accreditation criteria
The SAICA Training Office accreditation criteria outlines very specific requirements with regards to the new trainee accountant induction programme.
The SAICA Training Office accreditation criteria outlines very specific requirements with regards to the new trainee accountant induction programme.
All trainees receive an induction (either face-to-face or electronic) that will assist them to:
- Understand the need to develop the correct professional attitude to their traineeship;
- Be aware of the different roles of SAICA and IRBA;
- Understand the SAICA Training Programme;
- Understand the prescribed competencies for the SAICA Training Programme;
- Be aware of the responsibilities of training officers for planning and monitoring the skills development of trainee accountants;
- Be aware of their personal responsibilities with regard to their own skills development and assessment;
- Understand SAICA’s assessment process;
- Be familiar with the SAICA Training Regulations and the Code of Professional Conduct;
- Use the SAICA Training Contract Management System (TCMS).
Successful completion of this module will ensure that you comply with the Training Regulations component of these requirements.
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Meet the facilitators
Together, Graeme and Wihann boast over 35 years of collective experience in the training office environment, the SAICA training program, and the evaluation of trainee accountants. Both individuals have actively participated in the Training Programme Sub-Committee at SAICA, playing pivotal roles in the continual review and enhancement of the Training Regulations. The wealth of experience they bring to the table renders their knowledge indispensable in the realm of training.
Wihann Rabe CA(SA)
Audit Partner
Graeme O'Reilly CA(SA)
Director of NSOA Learning
Live Event series for trainees
- What is Microsoft office 365?
- Introduction to excel and how you will be using excel as a first year trainee accountant.
- Important excel functions you will use daily.
- What is working papers and how does this work in excel?
Live Event series for trainees
The financial statement assertions and audit evidence:
- Understanding the financial statement assertions and their relevance in performing audit procedures.
- Understanding the requirements for sufficient appropriate audit evidence to prove the assertions.
Live Event series for trainees
Ethics masterclass dealing specifically with professional ethics:
- What are professional ethics?
- Why are professional ethics important for you?
- How do you make the right professional choices?
Live Event series for trainees
- Why is Cyber security important.
- What can go wrong?
- Email best practices with reference to cyber security.
- What to look out for, how to evaluate authenticity of emails etc.
- Like farming, phishing, click bait, malware.
Live Event series for trainees
- Why a personal budget is important?
- How to prepare your budget and what tools are available.
- How to use excel for this.
- Top 3 tips in personal finance!
Live Event series for trainees
- Operating within a remote/hybrid work environment internally and with clients.
- What is the change curve and how this relate to your new role as trainee accountant.
- Mastering time management within your new role as trainee accountant - use outlook calendar to your advantage!
- Your health is important – Understand the important of sleep, exercise and brain care.
Live Event series for trainees
- Operating within a remote/hybrid work environment internally and with clients.
- What is the change curve and how this relate to your new role as trainee accountant.
- Mastering time management within your new role as trainee accountant-use outlook calendar to your advantage!
- Your health is important –Understand the importance of sleep, exercise and brain care.
Live Event series for trainees
Risk of material misstatement:
- Understanding what audit risk is, and the three components that affect it.
- Understanding the impact of Risk of Material Misstatement on the nature, timing and extent of substantive audit procedures.
Live Event series for trainees
- In this master class trainees will touch on professional skills directly linked to developing their relational acumen and Winning with People.
- Communication skills, People skills, Relationship-building skills
Live Event series for trainees
- Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint and Word.
- How to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint.
- How to prepare reports, letters and communications in word in a professional manner.
- .Tips and tricks to be more efficient in Word and PowerPoint.
Live Event series for trainees
Getting the most out of your CA2025 training contract experience:
- Understanding how the CA2025 training programme works.
- Developing the right attitude towards your training contract and the importance of regular reflection during the contract term.
- How assessment works and what to do to ensure that you get signed off at the end of the training contract as proficient.
Live Event series for trainees
- In this master class trainees will touch on professional skills directly linked to developing their relational acumen and managing people.
- Leadership skills, Managing others, Teamwork
Live Event series for trainees
Ethics masterclass dealing specifically with business ethics:
- What are business ethics?
- Why is understanding business ethics important for you?
- How do you evaluate the right business choices?
Live Event series for trainees
- What is emotional intelligence?
- Understand and manage your emotions.
- Understand the emotions of others working with you.
- How to get your emotions to work for you,not against you.
Live Event series for trainees
Developing effective communication skills:
- Understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace (written and verbal).
- Introduction to business writing for first year trainee accountants (including email etiquette).
- How to use Microsoft Outlook and draft professional business emails.
- How to use a translator if English is not your first language.
Live Event series for trainees
Ethics masterclass dealing specifically with personal ethics:
- What are personal ethics?
- Why are personal ethics important for you?
- How do you make the right personal choices?
Live Event series for trainees
Introduction to auditing:
- Why are audits conducted?
- What happens when auditors get it wrong?
- How are audits conducted?
- Where do I fit in this process?
- What is expected of me during the first year?