Activate your GPS

Join us for this free online session presented by Leadstrong on the Upskill platform. This 90 min 'Activate Your GPS' masterclass will empower you with more clarity and confidence to take ownership of not only your own development but also for the improvement of the business you work for. 
This live event will take place on the Upskill platform on:
24 June 2021 from 9:00am to 10:30am | Only 100 seats available
Write your awesome label here.

More about the fee online session

Having a proactive ability to continuously move forward in the current work climate and better navigate through the ever-changing world we live in, is a significant skillset required by any individual to help their organisation and themselves move forward. Having the skill to move from where you are now, to where you want to be in the future is vital for professional growth and success.
Who should attend this online session:
This free online session is ideal for any working professional at the start of their career. Any professional that values the importance of life-long learning and how to grow professionally will benefit from this online session.
After completing this free online session you will:
  • Understand the importance of setting goals and dreams and how to create a realistic game plan to achieve these;
  • Know how to assess your current reality and to take stock on where you currently are; and
  • Have the necessary navigation tools to assist you on your journey towards achieving your dreams and goals and to live a purposeful life. 

Course presenters

Kimberleigh Pasterkamp
Kimberleigh is a long-time L&D consultant with a formal background in cognitive psychology and information systems.  She thrives on helping people and organisations utilisetheir potential to grow and develop, which inspires her to consistently learn and share these learnings in relevant, accessible and meaningful ways. A life-long student of leadership, a wife and mother of three, she is part of the team of directors at LeadStrong Business Consulting, where her focus as a navigator, facilitator and coach is Leadership and Organisational Development.
Curtis Leohmer
Curtis is a compelling keynote speaker and advisor on high performance and leadership. He has spoken to audiences across Africa and advocates that few things are as powerful as building momentum to transform the trajectory of a person, team and organisation.In addition to founding the non-profit platform, The Mental Gains Network, Curtis is part of the team of directors at LeadStrong Business Consulting, with his focus being People and Performance. At LeadStrong he is known as 'The Quarterback' for his ability to take a key topic and communicate (throw) it in a way that the audience can receive (catch) the message and run with it in their lives.

Course outline

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Write your awesome label here.